1.3.1. Overview

The Container will create and retain objects automatically. However, some objects may need arguments that cannot be provided automatically, or that need to be lazy-resolved. Likewise, you may wish to override object creation with your own factory logic. You can set these using Definitions.

use Capsule\Di\Definitions;

$def = new Definitions();

Specify each definition by a unique ID string; this string will act as a public property name on the Definitions object. You are not restricted to typical PHP property names; you can use any string, as long as it is enclosed in braces and quotes, like so:

$def->typicalPropertyName = ...;
$def->{'unusual.property-name'} = ...;

You can specify a class definition or an interface definition by addressing it as a property on the Definitions class. Doing so will create the definition if it does not already exist, and will reuse any previously existing definition.

// a class definition

// an interface definition

You can define a primitive value the same way.

$def->{'db.host'} = '';

You can define a "named service" or "named instance" of a class using the newDefinition() method; each new definition will be separate from every other definition of that class.

$def->fooService = $def->newDefinition(Foo::CLASS)->...;

You can define an alias to another definition like so:

// {'foo.alias'} and {Foo::CLASS} will refer to
// the exact same definition; changing one will
// change the other
$def->{'foo.alias'} = $def->{Foo::CLASS};

Finally, you can check isset() on the Definitions properties and unset () them if you like:

if (isset($def->{Foo::CLASS})) {