4. Capsule 1.x

Most dependency injection containers work through public configuration, are intended for use at the application level, and use "stringly"-typed retrieval methods.

Capsule, on the other hand, is intended for use at the library, module, component, or package level; has no public methods for configuration; and encourages typehinted retrieval methods.

This means that you composer require capsule/di ~1.0 into your package, extend the Container for your library or module, and __construct() your component objects inside that extended container. You then add typehinted public methods for object retrieval.

4.1. An Example

The following container provides a shared instance of a hypothetical data mapper using a shared instance of PDO.

class MyCapsule extends \Capsule\Di\Container
    public function __construct(array $env = [])



    public function getMyDataMapper() : MyDataMapper
        return $this->serviceInstance(MyDataMapper::CLASS);

class MyDataMapper
    public function __construct(PDO $pdo) { ... }

$capsule = new MyCapsule([
    'DB_DSN' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb',
    'DB_USERNAME' => 'my_user',
    'DB_PASSWORD' => 'my_pass',

$mapper = $capsule->getMyDataMapper(); // instanceof MyDataMapper

4.2. Initialization Methods

Call these methods within __construct() to configure the container. Note that they are all protected; they cannot be called from outside the container.

4.2.1. default(string $class) : Config

Returns a Config object (see below) so you can set the default constructor arguments, post-instantiation method calls, and instantiation factory for a particular class. All object instantiations will use this configuration by default.

public function __construct()
    // ...

4.2.2. provide(string $id, LazyInterface $lazy = null) : ?LazyNew

Use this to provide a shared instance of a class that will be reused after it is instantiated.

By default, the provide() method presumes the service $id is a class name, and the shared instance is registered under that class name.

The returned LazyNew object extends Config, so you can further configure the object prior to its instantiation, overriding the class defaults.

public function __construct()
    // ...

    // uses default arguments

    // overrides default arguments

Use this to provide a shared instance of a class that will be reused after it is instantiated. The shared instance is registered under the $id, which may be any class name or any other identifying string.

If you pass a $lazy argument to provide(), the $lazy will be used to create the service instance, in which case the $id may or may not match the class of the lazy-loaded instance. When passing an explicit $lazy, provide() will return null.

4.2.3. service(string $id) : LazyService

Use this to specify that a dependency should be a shared service instance registered using provide(). (The service instance may not be defined yet.)

public function __construct()
    // ...


4.2.4. serviceCall(string $id, string $func, ...$args) : LazyCall

Use this to specify that a dependency should be the result of a method call to a shared service instance.

public function __construct()
    // ...

    // provide a MapperLocator

    // for the Wiki application service, get the WikiMapper
    // out of the MapperLocator
        $this->serviceCall(MapperLocator::CLASS, 'get', WikiMapper::CLASS)

4.2.5. new(string $class) : LazyNew

Use this to specify that a dependency should be a new instance of a class, not a shared instance.

public function __construct()
    // ...


The returned LazyNew object extends Config, so you can further configure the object prior to its instantiation, overriding the class defaults.

4.2.6. call(callable $func, ...$args) : LazyCall

Use this to specify that a dependency should be the results of invoking a callable, whether an instance method, static method, or function. (The PHP keywords include and require are also supported.)

public function __construct()
    // ...

        $this->call('include', '/path/to/file.php')

4.2.7. closure(string $func, ...$args) : \Closure

This returns a Closure that makes a call to a Capsule container method. It is useful for providing new-instance and service-instance callables to other containers, locators, registries, and factories. It will not be invoked as a lazy-loaded dependency at instantiation time.

public function __construct()
    // ...

    // presuming the the MapperLocator takes an array of callable factories
    // as its first argument
            $this->closure('newInstance', ThreadMapper::CLASS),
            $this->closure('newInstance', AuthorMapper::CLASS),
            $this->closure('newInstance', ReplyMapper::CLASS),

4.2.8. env(string $key) : mixed

Returns the value of the container-specific $env[$key] property (if set), then the value of getenv($id) (if not false), and then null.

public function __construct(array $env = [])

    // ...


The above will use $env['DB_DSN'] (et al.) if they are passed to the constructor, and fall back to getenv('DB_DSN') if they are not.

To set or replace all container-specific environment values, call setEnv(array $env).

To merge new values with existing container-specific environment values, call addEnv(array $env).

4.2.9. alias(string $from, string $to) : void

Use this to alias a class $from its original name $to another name. All requests for $from will receive an instance of $to.

This can be useful for specifying default implementations for interfaces.

public function __construct()
    $this->alias('FooInterface', 'FooImplementation');
    $instance = $this->newInstance('FooInterface'); // instanceof FooImplementation

4.3. Kickoff Methods

These methods return an actual instance of the requested class, thus invoking all the lazy-loading configurations for that class and its dependency.

These are protected methods, and should be called from typehinted methods on your extended container class to provide objects from your library, package, module, or component.

4.3.1. newInstance(string $class, ...$args) : mixed

This returns a new instance of the specified class, with additional arguments that override the default for that class. Multiple calls to newInstance() return different new instances.

class MyCapsule extends \Capsule\Di\Container
    public function newPdo() : PDO
        return $this->newInstance(PDO::CLASS);

4.3.2. serviceInstance(string $id) : mixed

This returns a shared service instance from the Capsule. Multiple calls to serviceInstance() return the same instance.

class MyCapsule extends \Capsule\Di\Container
    public function getPdo() : PDO
        return $this->serviceInstance(PDO::CLASS);

4.4. Config Object Methods

These fluent methods are available on the return of default(), new(), and provide(). They allow you to further configure the class specified by those methods.

4.4.1. args(...$args) : self

Sets the constructor arguments for the class. These are sequential; lazy-loaded dependencies will be invoked when the object is actually created. Multiple calls to args() will reset and replace the previous constructor arguments.

To reset the args, call resetArgs().

4.4.2. call(string $func, ...$args) : self

Adds one post-instantiation method call on the object. This is good for setter injection, and for post-instantiation setup methods. Multiple calls to call() will add to the previous calls.

To reset the calls, use resetCalls().

4.4.3. factory(callable $factory) : self

Sets a custom factory callable to use for instantiating the object. This factory will be used in place of the Capsule factory. The $args values will be passed to the custom factory when it is called, and the $calls will be made on the object returned from the custom factory.

To reset the factory so that Capsule factory is used, call resetFactory().

4.5. Automated Configuration

If you do not define the default() configuration for a class, the Capsule will reflect on the requested class instance and examine its constructor arguments. The Capsule will then populate each argument with:

  • a shared service instance with a matching class name, if one has been provide()-ed; or,
  • a new instance of that class

Non-class typehints cannot be configured automatically.

4.6. Implementing PSR-11

PSR-11 is a "stringly"-typed interface. The Capsule container does not implement it by default, but you can do so easily.

class Psr11Capsule
extends \Capsule\Di\Container
implements \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface
    public function get($id)
        return $this->getRegistry()->get($id);

    public function has($id)
        return $this->getRegistry()->has($id);

4.7. Serving From Other Containers


4.8. Providing To Other Containers


Note that you can wrap it in a closure or other lazy-loader so that it does not get created until it is called.